The person
I'm Dee, sometimes Dee Underscore, and supposedly I am an actual person that exists. Sometimes I type things into computers. One specific instance of such typing stuff into computers is articles for the web log on this, my personal site, often about other kinds of typing stuff into computers.

This is approximately what I look like
I am nonbinary. If you need to refer to me, you can use they/them, or ze/zem/zir pronouns (more detail). In languages other than English, you can refer to me using gender-neutral language if possible, and otherwise select any form of reference arbitrarily.
Despite the domain name, I am not the person who goes by UnderscoreWorld on Twitch, YouTube, or Twitter ("X"). I am also not related to the musician underscores.
The site
dee.underscore.world is a static site, currently built with Eleventy, previously built with Hugo, and before that with Lektor.
Previously, this site could be found at deeunderscore.github.io.
This website uses the term web log instead of blog because I thought it would be amusing to do so.
There is an 88×31 px button for this website:

A dee.underscore.world 88×31 graphic. It is available under the CC0 1.0 license.
Third party assets
Syntax highlighting themes are based on the PrismJS versions of the Coldark Cold theme (for the light theme), and the Shades of Purple theme (for the dark theme). These are available under the MIT license.
Some of the icons used on this website come from the Tabler Icons project. These are available under the MIT license.
Some of the logo icons on this website come from the Simple Icons project. These are available under the CC0 license, and possibly subject to trademark restrictions by respective owners.